What Does Potassium Do for Your Body? A Detailed Review

The importance of potassium is highly underestimated.

This mineral is classified as an electrolyte because it’s highly reactive in water. When dissolved in water, it produces positively charged ions.

This special property allows it to conduct electricity, which is important for many processes throughout the body.

Interestingly, a potassium-rich diet is linked to many powerful health benefits. It may help reduce blood pressure and water retention, protect against stroke and help prevent osteoporosis and kidney stones (1Trusted Source, 2Trusted Source, 3, 4Trusted Source).

This article provides a detailed review of potassium and what it does for your health.

What Is Potassium?
Potassium is the third most abundant mineral in the body (5).

It helps the body regulate fluid, send nerve signals and regulate muscle contractions.

Roughly 98% of the potassium in your body is found in your cells. Of this, 80% is found in your muscle cells, while the other 20% can be found in your bones, liver and red blood cells (6Trusted Source).

Once inside your body, it functions as an electrolyte.

When in water, an electrolyte dissolves into positive or negative ions that have the ability to conduct electricity. Potassium ions carry a positive charge.

Your body uses this electricity to manage a variety of processes, including fluid balance, nerve signals and muscle contractions (7, 8).

Therefore, a low or high amount of electrolytes in the body can affect many crucial functions.
It Helps Regulate Fluid Balance
The body is made of approximately 60% water (9Trusted Source).

40% of this water is found inside your cells in a substance called intracellular fluid (ICF).

The remainder is found outside your cells in areas such as your blood, spinal fluid and between cells. This fluid is called extracellular fluid (ECF).

Interestingly, the amount of water in the ICF and ECF is affected by their concentration of electrolytes, especially potassium and sodium.

Potassium is the main electrolyte in the ICF, and it determines the amount of water inside the cells. Conversely, sodium is the main electrolyte in the ECF, and it determines the amount of water outside the cells.

The number of electrolytes relative to the amount of fluid is called osmolality. Under normal conditions, the osmolality is the same inside and outside your cells.

Simply put, there’s an equal balance of electrolytes outside and inside your cells.

However, when osmolality is unequal, water from the side with fewer electrolytes will move into the side with more electrolytes to equalize electrolyte concentrations.

This may cause cells to shrink as water moves out of them, or swell up and burst as water moves into them (10).

That’s why it’s important to make sure you consume the right electrolytes, including potassium.

Maintaining good fluid balance is important for optimal health. Poor fluid balance can lead to dehydration, which in turn affects the heart and kidneys (11).

Eating a potassium-rich diet and staying hydrated can help maintain good fluid balance.
Potassium Is Important for the Nervous System
The nervous system relays messages between your brain and body.

These messages are delivered in the form of nerve impulses and help regulate your muscle contractions, heartbeat, reflexes and many other body functions (12Trusted Source).

Interestingly, nerve impulses are generated by sodium ions moving into cells and potassium ions moving out of cells.

The movement of ions changes the voltage of the cell, which activates a nerve impulse (13).

Unfortunately, a drop in blood levels of potassium can affect the body’s ability to generate a nerve impulse (6Trusted Source).

Getting enough potassium from your diet can help you maintain healthy nerve function